It all began after months of deep conversations with fellow creatives and each other.
We joked about how these discussions were so valuable that we should be recording them for others to benefit from. Then one day, that jest turned into a decision:
“Hey, let's just DO IT.” We realized that many folks struggle with the uncertainty of not having all the answers, especially in the realm of creativity and self-improvement.
Our podcast is a reflection of our own experiences, where we aim to bring people along on our journey of becoming more creative, intentional, and better versions of ourselves. By sharing our stories, insights, and challenges, we hope to inspire others to embrace their unique paths, enjoy the process, and evolve into the best possible versions of themselves alongside us. It's about fostering a sense of community and learning together, reminding everyone that growth is a beautiful journey in itself.


    Creative Director, Ohio born, Memphis lover, student, entrepreneur, husband and dad.


    Creative Director • Magical + sparkly adventurer
    Momma + wife to my wild boys